Thursday, October 15, 2009

The cold is settling in

It would seem that the mercury has decided to nose-dive, whether (weather? haha) or not I'm ready for this to happen. As much as I love this time of year for the scarves and mitts and general comfort factor of it all I'm just plain and simply not ready.

I spent the better part of today thinking it was yesterday....and by better part of today I mean I clued in to the fact that it was Thursday at around 8pm tonight when I looked down and noticed the 15 on iCalendar. Tonight I was supposed to be going to hear Donna Morrissey read in Amherst as part of the Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival. This unfortunately did not happen.

I have a friend who left today for Sweden...gone for a week. I'm supposed to be taking care of her kitty cat whilst she is off on her nordic adventure. This unfortunately did not happen.

I just today started my annual mitten, scarf and hat drive in my office for "Coats for Kids". I need to have everything collected by around the 31st and delivered. Traditionally I knit a boatload of mittens for this. These unfortunately have not been started.
(if you are reading this, and live nearby, and know me...please do me a solid and for the love of wool whip up a couple pairs of kids sized mittens or hats ...or something for me ...please?!? I'll be doing the same, but am apparently seriously time-poor these days)

OK - now that I've got that out of my system, there was fun and frivolity as well recently. Thanksgiving weekend was spent in St Andrews and St Stephen with friends. A most excellent and much needed road trip. Lots of yarn well as some needles made from rosewood that were mighty pricey, but I decided I was worth it.

While in St Andrews I of course made the usual pilgrimage to Cottage Craft - most lovely. While there I bought the usual boatload of yarn as well as a book about the making of Cottage Craft - "Grace Helen Mowat and the making of Cottage Craft" by Diana Rees with Ronald Rees. It's really quite a fascinating read. I think Nell Mowat and I would have been great friends, we both share a passion for keeping things local.

This weekend I think I'll have a little Betty time...and I should really do something about the project that has been on my loom since spring. I'd like to finish the spring coloured item that was so appropriate when there was still snow lingering and start something suited for winter. Maybe I'll even get it done before Spring returns!

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